Liberated Practitioner

About Gabriel

You can overcome burnout, stop sacrificing so much, and find joy in your work and life once again.

If you are feeling trapped in a cycle of over-giving, over-working, and you’re having a hard time setting boundaries, you’re probably experiencing burnout.

Your work matters, but so do YOU.

Success, for me, is defined by a journey towards more fulfillment at work, enhanced client outcomes, increased income and ease, freedom from physical pain, and improved self-care.

My mission is to help health practitioners and helping professionals who are burnt out, in pain, overworked, and under-appreciated to create better work-life balance, have more energy and less anxiety, and feel present and joyful in work and life.

Start transforming burnout into purpose today with my free Surviving to Thriving e-course.

Liberated Practitioner Gabriel Shaw

Hey there, I’m Gabriel Shaw, and I want to share a piece of my journey with you – a journey that took me from burnout to thriving in the realm of health and wellness. About five years ago, I found myself at the brink of exhaustion. I was juggling a kinesiology degree, managing a martial arts and yoga studio, starting a kinesiology practice, and recovering from a meniscus tear. On top of that, there were the challenges of a failing relationship and the demands of serving as a paramedic in my “spare time.” If you’re a practitioner in the midst of a tough time, I know how confusing, confusing and isolated it can feel.

Amidst the chaos, a pivotal moment occurred during my time as a paramedic at the Burning Man festival. I was first on the scene to a heart-wrenching incident – a man who had thrown himself into a 7-story structure fire. The sight of his skinless body and the haunting sound of his screams touched something deep in my soul. His suicide became a catalyst that shattered a wall around my heart. Since you’re reading this, I bet you’ve had a moment for yourself that has woken you up to the urgent need for change.

I Know Helper Burnout Well


My journey into health and wellness started at the age of 13 when I began learning martial arts, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong. These practices helped deepen my awareness and connect to my body in a way that feels grounded and free. These tools can help you do the same. They also ignited a passion for the health and wellness field, which led to my becoming an emergency medical technician, helping others in their most dire circumstances. What I have seen in the field and emergency room allows me to have compassion for the very real stressors you face on a regular basis.

Seeking a deeper impact, I pursued a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from the University of Victoria and later became a clinical exercise physiologist. I worked with people for years, assisting them with chronic pain, but I realized that movement alone could only take them so far. Their pain was often a manifestation of emotional energy, stress, and trauma stored in the body.

This realization, as well as my own burnout experience, led me on a transformative journey into somatic therapy and integrative coaching. It was a path of self-discovery, a journey to reconnect with myself, release old wounds, and uncover my soul’s purpose. The Burning Man incident was the tipping point, but it was really a call to exploring something that was much deeper.

Through this journey, I learned to listen to the energy inside, rather than pushing it down all the time. It’s been a shift from a life of anxiety, overwhelm, and struggle to one filled with freedom and ease. My pain became a gift, the starting point for rediscovering my essence and alignment.

Liberated Practitioner Gabriel Shaw

Now, I’m on a mission to share what I’ve learned. I combine my knowledge and experience in coaching, kinesiology, and tai chi/qigong to help fellow health and wellness practitioners who are in pain and overwhelmed. I guide them to move stuck energy, heal, and find balance mentally, physically, and spiritually. The world needs your gifts, and I’m here to help you discover them.

Beyond my coaching practice, you’ll find me dancing, trail running, practicing martial arts, and honoring the Coast Salish Territory of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ first nations.

So, if you’re feeling stuck, burnt out, or overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Your immediate symptoms are not a burden but a blessing – a messenger guiding you into deeper self-contact. I’ve been there, and I’m here to guide you on the path of rediscovering your essence and alignment. Let’s open the door to greater ease, impact, and fulfillment together. Are you ready?