Liberated Practitioner

Transform Burnout Into Ease And Purpose

with Gabriel Shaw

Break the Cycle of Overwhelm & Revitalize your Calling

Hello, I’m Gabriel.

I help people who help people.

You’ve dedicated your life to caring for others but now your own well is dry. It’s so common for people like you who care for others to not take care of yourself.

But most of the advice is just giving you more things to do like self-improvement strategies and self care tasks that only end up giving you another thing to feel bad that you’re not doing.

Nourishing your own soil is ultimately what bears fruit when it comes to making a bigger impact, improving client outcomes, and advancing your career.

I show you how to reclaim your sense of self, your health, and your clarity of purpose so you can transform pain, exhaustion and overwhelm into

Energy, Freedom, and a Lasting Sense of Fulfillment.

By tuning into a deeper understanding of your alignment and essence, you open up your innate gifts and are able to make a greater impact with more balance and ease.

Liberated Practitioner Gabriel Shaw



Clear Away the Weeds – A 3-session starter package where we will focus on your most pressing challenges. You’ll leave feeling more clear, confident and free. Learn More

Seasonal Group Journeys – Get additional support and accountability through group coaching. The magic of community and peer perspectives is truly life-changing. Learn More

Journey to Liberation – This 6-month immersive option will transform your life and unlock your energy with weekly 1:1 support, community, home practices and more. Learn More

From Surviving to Thriving e-Course

6 Steps to Unearth the Roots of Practitioner Burnout and Plant Seeds for New Growth

Are you a caregiver, health worker, or first responder trying to navigate the relentless cycle of overwork or over-giving, teetering on the brink of overwhelm? It’s time to break free from the chains of burnout and rediscover the profound joy in your noble calling.

I know the weight of your service – the relentless demands, the sacrificial giving, and the looming burnout that shadows our calling. My name is Gabriel Shaw and I’ve walked in those shoes, facing the same challenges that may now feel insurmountable. That’s why I’m excited to introduce this FREE e-course designed exclusively for caregivers like you, eager to transform exhaustion into vitality and purpose.

Liberated Practitioner Gabriel Shaw

Allow me to introduce you to the new (and free) Liberated Practitioner course and newsletter. It’s based on my background as a first responder and kinesiologist, combined with what I’ve learned overcoming my own burnout and coaching clients to do the same.

I’ve curated this course to go beyond theory and self-care; it’s a soulful exploration grounded in practical steps and expert tools so you can show up at your best for those that matter most.


Heal Burnout & Deepen Your Resilience


I have never met anyone with Gabriel’s combination of gifts and skills that help me move towards healing in such a holistic way.

~ Robyn


Coach Gabriel’s holistic approach to wellness has helped transform the way I understand my body and mind. I’m now pain free and I’ve never felt better!

~ Steve A.