Heal Burnout & Deepen Your Resilience

So You Can Show Up for Your Clients and Community

Living and working within your optimal state means carving out moments and an environment for contemplation, recovery, and holistic development: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I offer a complete e-course and thoughtful email letters full of carefully curated resources for free as my invitation to you. I want you to show up for yourself so that you can make a meaningful impact in the world in a way that is sustainable for you. Below is your enrollment form for the free e-course, and a sample of the burnout-banishing letters that I would be happy to send to you, even if you aren’t ready for coaching just yet.

Surviving to Thriving e-Course

6 Steps to Uproot Practitioner Burnout and Plant Seeds for Growth

Are you a caregiver, health worker, or first responder trying to navigate the relentless cycle of overwork or over-giving, teetering on the brink of overwhelm? It's time to break free from the chains of burnout and rediscover the profound joy in your noble calling.

I know the weight of your service - the relentless demands, the sacrificial giving, and the looming burnout that shadows our calling. My name is Gabriel Shaw and I've walked in those shoes, facing the same challenges that may now feel insurmountable. That's why I'm excited to introduce this FREE e-course designed exclusively for caregivers like you, eager to transform exhaustion into vitality and purpose.

Liberated Practitioner Gabriel Shaw

Allow me to introduce you to the new (and free) Liberated Practitioner course and newsletter. It's based on my background as a first responder and kinesiologist, combined with what I've learned overcoming my own burnout and coaching clients to do the same.

I've curated this course to go beyond theory and self-care; it's a soulful exploration grounded in practical steps and expert tools so you can show up at your best for those that matter most.

Letters to You, for You

A Free Resource for Health Practitioners

Your job asks you to show up at your best when others are at their worst. The accumulation of stress takes its toll on our mental and physical wellbeing. We are rarely given the tools to process stress from the difficult situations we deal with on a daily basis.

When you enroll in the free Surving to Thriving e-Course you will receive not only the course modules but letters such as the ones featured below that will help you grow your business, advance your career, find more ease and fulfillment, and build your resilience… all for free. I hope you enjoy and find value here.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."- Sun Tzu​Hello Friends, These days it seems there’s a lot of fighting. In many countries the liberals and conservatives are at each other's throats, while other countries are literally at war. Many of...

Why I Care About Helpers Thriving

Why I Care About Helpers Thriving

"Always we hope, someone has the answer. At the centre of your being, you have the answer. There is no need to run outside for better seeing. Rather, abide in the centre of your being. For the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart and see that way...

How the Ego Forgets

How the Ego Forgets

"Ego is the glue that holds soul to body."- Guru SinghHello Friends, Let’s explore the nature of the ego and its influence on our lives.. Often misunderstood, the ego is not inherently negative; it plays a crucial role in shaping our individual identity. The ego helps...

Shift Problems with Perspective

Shift Problems with Perspective

"If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten."​- Jessie Potter (counsellor, relationships and sexuality educator)Hello friends, In our relentless pursuit of solutions, it's easy to fall into the trap of using the same methods...

The Medicine of Slowing Down

The Medicine of Slowing Down

“The faster the world gets, the more what’s old and slow become more important than ever.”- Thomas FriedmanHello fellow practitioners, A profound aspect of healing lies in the art of slowing down. It's a practice that invites us to embrace stillness amidst life's...

Is Working So Hard Actually in Your Own Way?

Is Working So Hard Actually in Your Own Way?

"Does your structure support your intention."​​- Sam Masich, Tai Chi masterHello friends, In Tai Chi, one of the first things we learn is how to find a relaxed-but-supportive structure. The word we use for structure, in Chinese, is '​peng​' - referring to an awning or...

Spiritual Bypassing and its Discontents

Spiritual Bypassing and its Discontents

"I've known tons of people who have their 'higher self' going on... practising their yoga. But they're just ordinary people. Sometimes a little worse."​- Alan WattsHello friends, These days personal growth, psychology and mind-body-spirit integration are right at the...

Why We Care for Others (More Than Ourselves)

Why We Care for Others (More Than Ourselves)

"What is not brought into consciousness is brought to us as fate."​- Carl JungHello friends, As we answer the call to care for others, we sometimes take on too much. This can be related to the shadow side of caring. Reflecting on our shadows allows us for more space...

You Can’t Get There From There (On Acceptance)

You Can’t Get There From There (On Acceptance)

"That which you most need will be found where you least want to look."​​- Carl JungHello friends, If your clients are like mine, they are probably coming to you because they want to be somewhere different than where they are at. They want to go back to their youthful...